Friday, March 1, 2013

*Highlights of February*

We started out the month with my cute husband getting me an early Valentine's Day Present. He took me and we picked out a new member of our family! Chase got me a kitty and his name is Skeeter! He is growing so quickly and is a brat sometimes but boy is he spoiled. I'm pretty sure Chase spoils him more than I do! Haha the good cop, bad cop thing is off and on with this little guy. But he is adored and loved a lot by us. It's nice having a little buddy to keep me company when Chase is gone all day at work. Skeeter loves playing fetch! Chase wants a dog quite badly, but since Skeeter fetches he'll have to play the role of cat and dog for now. We love the little guy and glad to have him as an addition to our family. The second week of Feb. we to a weekend trip down to Clearfield, Utah to spend time with the Draney family. Emily and Vance are some of Chase's really great friends from Ellensburg, Washington. I was lucky enough to meet them before we got married and get to know them. Emily and I clicked off from the start. I truly consider her a sister and a best friend! They traveled up for our wedding and this month was the first time we had seen them since the wedding. I'm so lucky that not only did I get Chase as a best friend, but I am blessed that his friends so willingly accept me and love me as much as they love him. Emily and Vance are marvelous people and such good friends to talk to. Emily is a wonderful mother and treats everyone with kindness and what an amazing example and close friend she has become in such a short amount of time! It will be wonderful to become closer as the years roll by. The month continued on with the usual school and work. Throughout the month a so called "friend" who I hadn't talked to in quite sometime pulled the whole "how are you?" but really wanted me to know how they were doing. They really didn't care how I was but wanted to release their struggles on my shoulders for me to burden. You see I have to admit I'm a huge push over and I will be there for anyone, any day, and any time, but sometimes you just have to put your foot down. Fortunately I have a husband who talks me through things and helps me see things outside of my range. We talked it over and realized that a friend isn't someone who only cares about themselves and who brings you down. A true friend is someone that is there when you need them. As hard as it was, I had to tell this "friend" that it was time to cut ties. It was really hard for me, but I realize you can't take on everyone's problems and not let them take on some of yours. The funny thing is I'll probably always be too big of a push over, but being married to someone who is so similar and opposite helps you become stronger in areas where you are weak. I'm blessed to have someone to lift me up when I need it. A highlight of the month was speaking in our ward. We have been blessed with an amazing ward family. They are so accepting and loving and we are blessed to live in the area that we do. Chase got a calling in the Elders Quorum and will be a great addition there. We were asked to speak on faith and charity. I talked on the power of one, and how having the faith to love all people, and to get outside of comfort zones to find friend that need us is truly important in life. Christ gave his life for us and his friends, and it's only asked of us to share our love with friends, neighbors, and people we've yet to meet. Chase spoke on how his mission prepared him for a future family. He shared his fears and his strengths he has about our future family. He asked the important question of, what kind of legacy we will leave behind?! My husband is a wonderful speaker and the spirit was so strong. How blessed I truly am to have such a strong and spiritual giant to lead me and my future family. I have no doubt in my mind he will be an exceptional father to our future children and lead and guide them in ways I would not be able to. I think this was one of the first time in quite sometime that I felt confident in speaking, especially knowing i had such a great speaking partner. We were told by many after our talks of what a wonderful job we did, and what a great addition we truly are to our new ward. It really made me feel loved and appreciated. Another highlight of the month was being able to spend time with family. Richie and Diana came down for President's Day weekend. It was a bit of a crazy weekend but the time we got to spend with them is always enjoyable. Chase and I also got to babysit our nephew Hudson that weekend. Oh what joys and adventures babysitting a 15 month year old little boy is! Haha I have a new appreciation for those mothers and fathers that have the energy to chase around such an energetic little guy! haha. We did have a lot of fun, but we got our baby fix for at least the next year! February was another month full of ups, downs, love, and as always, many blessings. Life is good.